Wednesday, September 23, 2015

How to operate a leaf blower [VIDEO]

Hey guys, I found a pretty cool video about how to hande a leaf blower. It is a great introduction into the handling and operating of these beasts of machinery.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


A little history lesson.

The leaf blowers was invented in the 1970's. The father of the leaf blower we know today was invented for fertilizing crops and fruit trees. Then landscapers thought that this method for blowing pesticides on the crops can also be used to move leaves. Producers of outdoor electric equipment caught up with this and made a blower that is used by many a people, like people owning a house or professional landscapers. In this day and age manufactueres keep continuing on making better and quieter blowers.

Some leaf blowers of old.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Do you feel sick when you see falling leaves everywhere in your yard? You might think, you can sweep all of them. Then, you feel that work is too tiring, especially for you who own a large lawn. Here is come the solution, leaf blower. If you never heard of it, a leaf blower is one of gardening tools that produce an air then pushed it through the nozzle. There are a lot of leaf blowers from different, so be sure to read some leaf blower reviews here.

Autumn can be very nice, but raking the leaves is annoying.


There are some perks of using leaf blower, and why you should buy a blower:

  • First, it saves your energy. Can you imagine using a rake to gather leaves during fall or after winter? I can not, particularly if you have other tasks ahead of you. Besides that, raking also bring difficulties when you are trying to remove leaves from the corner of the fence or other unreachable areas. Certainly, leaf blower helps you to gather more leaves than manually using a rake. Besides, using rake can make your hand cramps.
  • Second, it saves your time. You cannot remove leaves from your lawn in the short amount of time using a rake, without spilling your energy.
  • Third, easy to use. I prefer leaf blower rather than moving my arms back and forth constantly, more than 30 minutes. 
  • Fourth, cost-efficient. I know, clean your lawn by your own is cost-efficient, but not so efficient for you time and energy as mentioned above. However, compared with hiring someone to clean your lawn and buy a leaf blower. The latter is the winner. Besides, you can ask your kids to do it, if you have wheeled leaf blowers. It will be fun activity for them.
Still: be ware of buying a machine that doesn't fit your situation. Therefore, you should always read a leaf blower review or two.


On the other hand, leaf blower has a number of disadvantages, such as:
Noise pollution, this danger is obvious. Although, the user who held the leaf blowers can use a headphone. Keep in mind, do not be anyway near the machine when it is running. There is a major risk that you might lose your hearing if you do that.

Besides that, a certain type of leaf blower produce emissions and might polluting environment. Leaf blower that powered by gas generate the same pollutants as cars, and the smell of the machine certainly will disturb other people around it. Meanwhile, electric powered leaf blower does not produce any emissions, but when it blows any litter such as animal feces, it can pollute the air and exhaled by other people. It also might move to people’s clothing.

Physical problems. Carrying leaf blower in backpack style with 25 pounds or more weight up to 100 pounds, can cause a problem for your back or arm or even both. Especially, if you have huge lawn that make you have to carry it in extent period of time. Always search for reliable leaf blower reviews, so you know what the exact weight is of the device.

Explosion risk. In leaf blower that powerd by gas, it uses oil and gasoline as fuel. If there is a leak, not only spread pollutans, but also possible risk of explotion. Thus, you need to make sure that the fuel being stored correctly. Meanwhile, for the particular brand you have to double check the spark plug. This is conducted to avoid sparking a fire.

Types of leaf blowers 

Now, if information above is giving encouragement to you to buy leaf blower, you need to know that there are several different types of leaf blower. Which are, gas-powered, electric, and battery-powered. Each of these type have different advantages and disadvantages. Moreover, there are a few things that should be considered, such as how large the area of your property, is there any electrical power source available on your lawn or nearby, how much do you willing to spend. The price of leaf blower is vary from $10 to $400.

Are you willing to spend your time to maintain your leaf blower, due to gas-powered leaf blower is need to be cleaned to sweep all the residues from the tube. The leaf blower that requires low maintenance is electric leaf blower.

The weight of leaf blower also should be considered, how good is the grip, what leaf blower should be bought (the handheld or backpack), these things will make your task easier and bring less fatigue. Check the best leaf blower reviews to make sure you purchase the right tool for you.

The feature to mulching the leaves also important. Which one do you prefer put the leaves in the bag or mulch the leaves. The material of leaf blower also should be a consideration. The metal leaf blower is very durable and rugged, compared to plastic one.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Images of people leaf blowing

So, I looked around on the web and a lot of people have found the art leaf blowing. Check out these pictures below, I found on the internet. It is amazing how many persons are blowing leaves away. I love it!

 A group youngsters learning the fine art of leaf blowing!

A great picture of leaves twirling up!

See those leaves in the background. That is one great leaf blower right there.

Nice back pack blower.

Good shot. Timed at the right moment.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Welcome to Leaf Blower Reviews!!

Wow, awesome that you find this blog. As you could have guessed it is about leaf blowers. Two years I bought my first, very own leaf blower. It was gas powered and I had a lot of good times with it. Now I would like to share my experience with leaf blowers with everyone.

Stayed tuned and subscribed this blog for reviews about leaf blowers. And more..!